2019 Award Winners
Congratulations to the DRI CANADA 2019 Awards of Excellence Recipients! The DRI CANADA Awards of Excellence honour individuals who are leaders and innovators in the fields of Business Continuity and Technology Recovery (BC/DR). DRI CANADA believes that it is our duty to recognize and celebrate excellence and we have committed to continuing the Awards of Excellence program to achieve this strategic goal.
2019 AWARD WINNERS This year's award winners were honoured at the 2019 Continuity Management Symposium held in Toronto.

Lifetime Achievement award is granted to a person who has demonstrated exceptional achievement within the Business Continuity and Technology Recovery (DR) industry. Such achievement must be demonstrated by the professional excellence over the course of a significant career.
This year's winner is:
Betsy Sayers, MBCP
DRI CANADA Volunteer of the Year award is granted to a person who has demonstrated exceptional achievement and commitment to the Business Continuity and Technology Recovery (DR) industry through volunteering efforts.
This year's winner is:
Frank Slater, CBCP This
Board of Directors Achievement Award is a one-time award granted by the DRI CANADA Board of Directors in recognition of the significant efforts. dedication. and volunteerism by the Online Learning Steering Committee members through governance. development. and launch of the DRI CANADA on- line learning course.
This year's winners are (left to right below):
Michael Hiller, ABCP; Nancy Holloway-White, CBCP, CBCA; Graeme Jannaway, CBCP; John Yamniuk, MBCP, ARMP, MBCI.